About the CEMRACS

CEMRACS is a 6-week international summer school organized almost every summer since 1996 at CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques) on the Luminy campus near Marseille famous calanques. In 2025, the event will be dedicated to Quantum Computing with a special emphasis on two scientific domains deeply impacted by quantum computers with important social repercussions : scientific computing and cryptography.

The principle of this event, organised by SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles) relies on strong industrial partnerships and has a two-period structure: the first phase consists of one week of lectures (July 15 to 19), and the second of a five-week period of project-based research. During the second phase, each participant works in a team on a collaborative research project proposed either by an industrial company or an academic team. Teams are made up of 2 or 3 young researchers, supervised by one or two experienced researchers provided by the company or academic team which proposed the project. The program includes:

The event takes place at CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques) in Marseille (France).

About Quantum Computing

CEMRACS 2025 is dedicated to quantum computing, focusing on training students in the ideal quantum computer framework and its associated algorithms, such as those for number search, prime factorization, phase estimation, and solving linear systems. The proposal also plans to address the limitations of quantum computing, including error management. Two main application areas with common algorithmic tools are highlighted:

  • Explore the potential of quantum computing in scientific computations, including the adaptation and performance gains of existing algorithms in a quantum framework. This application is part of the France Hybrid HPC Quantum Initiative (HQI)
  • Quantum cryptography: given the effectiveness of quantum algorithms in cryptography, this area focuses on the need to develop new encryption methods for the post-quantum era. The active community in this field will contribute to CEMRACS

Summer school

Paradigms for the algorithms on different technologies
Thomas Ayral (EVIDEN Paris)
Quantum cryptography
Mina Doosti (University of Edinburgh)
Quantum cryptanalysis and post-quantum cryptography
Pierre-Alain Fouque (Université Rennes 1, IUF)
Optimization problem on quantum computers
Yassine Hamoudi (Université de Bordeaux)
Quantum simulation of partial differential equations via Schrodingerisation
Nana Liu (Shangai Jiao Tong University)
Advanced quantum algorithms for scientific computing
Agnieszka Miedlar (Virginia Tech)
Quantum computer hardwares
Mazyar Mirrahimi (Inria Paris)
Quantum error correction
Gilles Zémor (Université de Bordeaux, IUF)

Scientific committee

Organizing committee

Official website

More details and information are available on the webiste of the CEMRACS 2025: https://cemracs2025.math.cnrs.fr/